6 May, 2018

What to post on social media

Kat Clarke

6th May 2018

Now that we’ve woken up to the idea that social media is a great place to connect with our potential customers, more businesses are using these freely available resources to showcase what they do. If you’re a product based business this part is easy, because you might have a library of photographs featuring your products. But a service based business? Hmm, a little harder. How can you display what you do if you don’t have a visual side to your business?

This is where my work with ideal client / customer (whatever you decide to label them as – the buyers!) comes in – because you will know more about what makes them tick. As business owners, we can use social media to show the more personable side to our business, the interests we have, the causes we support.

There are some examples which work for any businesses of course – days of the year, or weeks that commemorate or celebrate a cause. News stories that relate to your business are a good share as they show you are taking an interest in the here-and-now. The weather is a popular topic in our country, whether that be a whinge or some advice to make the most of mother natures offering. But all of these are reacting to whats happening now, so planning the posts goes out the window…what you could try instead – and keep them up your sleeve!

  • Respond to a common misconception in your industry – what is it that people think or comment about your industry that is simply untrue?
  • Challenges – post a theme which encourages interaction and feedback from your customers, This might not be related to your services, but to the target market’s interest.
  • Tips and advice – what can you share with your audience that they might not know, but you do?
  • Positivity – we live in a very cynic society – perhaps something uplifting, inspirational which connects with your viewers
  • Opinions – this or that, most people love to share their what they think!

What else do you share on your social media that provokes a response?

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