We’re all using social media for our businesses – we’ve got pages set up, we’re posting photos and blurb, trying to keep up with some kind of regular posting schedule. We like it because it’s free, accessible, and can source our next buyer. Marvelous stuff.
Aside from that, we’re probably scrolling through what our friends have got up to – their recent holiday, their new puppy or what they’ve managed to craft in their spare time. It’s the way most of us stay in touch these days, isn’t it? Social media helps us to be more sociable.
Losing time to Social Media scrolling
Often business owners will complain about time lost on social media too, because once you start the scrolling it’s difficult to stop. Bang, hour gone and nothing to show for it – except for cooing over a cute little doggie, aaaah. Yup, it’s a trap but it’s not unique to businesses, it’s everyone that complains about losing hours to social… yet they’re still here in their numbers. We’re hooked!
Spending time on social media needn’t be a time drain for your business – if you’re using it effectively.

Social media getting a drag? You need to know this…
An advantage to us business owners is that it provides us with customer insights. It is a great (free!) place to figure out what your target audience is thinking. What they are curious about, worried about or struggling with. When others share their experience and source an opinion or answer, they have a big sign above their head which says ‘I have a problem’. In business, we’re adept at solving problems. So, why not respond to their query? Literally seconds of your time to tap a quick response which could save hours and hours for the querent. Saving time by using social media, what a concept!
If you comment on a questioning post, you don’t have to sell at all. In fact, it’s better if you don’t! Remember, these people are ‘cold leads’ – they haven’t had a warm and cuddly cwtch with you (yet!) so respect the boundaries. Don’t attempt a catchy little call-to-action, its poor etiquette. Besides, plenty of time for that to come…
Also how this works to your benefit is that others who read that post and comment (and there will be lurkers!) also find out that you know the answer. You’re not only answering the seeker but those who are sitting in the background, observing. The link made by these silent viewers is that you have useful answers. Experts are people who know answers… guess what, you’re now the expert on X.
…which brings me nicely to responding to queries which aren’t in your wheelhouse. If you’re responding to stuff that you don’t know about, remember that you might get known as the go-to for that topic instead. Of course, respond – no one likes to be ignored and tumbleweed when you’re asking for help is a horrible experience. But you might want to introduce another business to answer that query. Again, you’ve proved to be a useful person to mingle with. In this instance, you and the referred business gain approval. Win win.
Social Media Marketing for Business
These kinds of questions and queries are perfect for your research too. If one person is brave enough to ask it in a public domain, be assured that there are hundreds more wanting to know the answer too. Make a note of these queries, and prepare content that answers the question, content that you own. Blogs on your website, social media posts on your accounts, email marketing content or even integrate into your customer service.
All this from a few seconds typing. Don’t take my word for it – try it for yourself!