Business pains – The symptoms or the cause?
A pain in the... For the last couple of years, I have struggled on and off with back pain. I have found solutions in various guises, sought expert advice and some not-so expert. When you're in pain, you will try anything in desperation. If someone suggested to me...
Why Facebook likes are the least of your worries
Get a facebook page, they said. It's dead easy to set up, they said. Don't bother with a website, just get your free page up and send out a bunch of invites, they said. Well meaning advice from people who claim to know a bit about business. So you did all that,...
Using social media for our business
We’re all using social media for our businesses - we’ve got pages set up, we’re posting photos and blurb, trying to keep up with some kind of regular posting schedule. We like it because it's free, accessible, and can source our next buyer. Marvelous stuff. Aside from...
Creatively speaking
Are you a creative person? This label seems to come with its own pressures, and really that's the opposite of what I think its about. Let me explain… It's a common concept to think creativity is something you have or don't have. Follow the stereotypes attached to...
When is the right time to market your business?
Business is booming. You have customers coming out of your ears, you have a steady stream of income. In fact, actually doing the work in your business is becoming the problem. You're short on time or manpower, and have had to start introducing a waiting list or...
Squad goals
I'm not a football fan, but I know it involves a round ball and much excitement when it gets hoofed towards a net. Each team’s target is defined, they have a direction that they intend to go. When that ball gets past the goalie, there’s a point given to the team...
How to make more money
It's often been said that a business that doesn't make a profit is just a hobby. Whilst that is harsh, there is some truth in that statement. A hobby is an activity that we do for enjoyment, we like spending our time (and loads of money no doubt!) on furthering that...
Design = art with function
Editing your own website is easy. It is certainly possible to learn how to make changes on your website, it's not something that only a hallowed few can do. You can learn how to do it - every web designer or developer there has started out that way. ‘How do I edit my...
In it for the long haul
There is a huge difference between short term marketing and long term marketing strategies. Marketing strategies can be a difficult thing to plan, especially for small businesses. There are a lot of factors to consider, and it can be hard to know how to allocate your...