30 Jun, 2022

Are you an expert?

Kat Clarke

30th June 2022

I must admit to not being a huge fan of this word. But as was pointed out, if I have been working in a particular field for the length of time I have, then I must be. Someone would have pointed out by now that I wasn’t, if not a peer then definitely a customer. If the definition of an expert is someone who is very knowledgeable or skillful in a particular area, then yes – it’s true to say that I am an expert. I am. 

So we know experts are those who are more skilled, accomplished even, in a set of skills. They are talented in their field of work, competent and educated. They’re experienced and have practiced their skills again and again in a real world environment. It’s thought, too, that when expert advice is pitted against hearsay or amateur advice, that it is the stronger of the two. These leaders are more convincing because their knowledge shows. They are credible, and so is their advice.   

In many of our online and offline communities, there are experts – but ones that you can’t identify. Their gifts are waiting to be shared with those who want to get that expert advice, but will end up taking poor advice simply because it’s the only option. Not that it’s noisier per say, but it’s definitely more accessible to those seeking advice. Poor advice IS the only option, without a hell of a lot of legwork. 

Unfortunately some experts will never get the recognition they deserve.  They don’t talk about what makes them tick, what they are excited about in their field. Not sharing important discoveries in their world. Hiding their light under a bushel doesn’t come close, and it’s a real shame. Not just for their customers who are lapping up the poor advice, but also for the expert who has invested so much into their knowledge. 

Being active on social media is one opportunity, amongst many others, where you can do that. You don’t even have to leave your house, get in a car, worry about ticket sales to hear what you have to say. You just type away. Tap tap tap. Type to keep engaged with your potential buyers, they are everywhere and they know the next customer of yours too. Type to comment on something happening in your industry and why that’s great / awful / exciting / dangerous.  Type to be a leader in your field, because you know that others are waiting to hear from you. 

Biggest bonus of this? It’s not salesy, not one bit. No horrid sales pitch that you have to memorise. No buzzy words that some marketer or content created suggested might help with SEO. No call to action that demands an email address sign up. It’s perfect for those who want to sell, but hate selling. It’s also a great reminder of how far you have come in your career, all the stuff you have picked up over time. 

All you gotta do is type. 

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